• 최종편집 2024-05-01(수)


  • Cosmoprof Asia 2022 To Be Held in Singapore as a Special Edition
    The Organisers, BolognaFiere Group and Informa Markets, announced today Cosmoprof Asia 2022 will be relocated from Hong Kong to Singapore, from 16-18 November 2022 at Singapore Expo as a special edition. This decision was made after extensive discussions with business leaders, exhibitors and partners who have contributed to the success of the event over the years. The current entry restrictions for travellers to Hong Kong has meant a potential disruption to both exhibitors and visitors for Cosmoprof Asia in November, as inbound travel to Hong Kong is likely subject to quarantine restrictions. Hence, the project of Cosmoprof Asia 2022 in Singapore was born. This Asia’s premier beauty event strongly supported by the world's leading cosmetics suppliers in the past 25 years will continue its mission of “Connecting All Sectors of Beauty Industry in AsiaPacific Region”. Keeping the same show dates 16-18 November, it will be more convenient for exhibitors and visitors from across Asia and the rest of the world to make plans for 2022. "The APAC region remains a crucial reference for global economics, and Cosmoprof Asia is continuing its growth in the area," said Antonio Bruzzone, General Manager of BolognaFiere Group and Director of Cosmoprof Asia Ltd. "In 2022, Singapore is the best location to welcome stakeholders and professionals again, offering a not-to-bemissed experience to do business in person”. Cosmoprof Asia and Cosmopack Asia 2022 will take place at Singapore Expo, a worldclass exhibition center. From the cosmetic supply chain to finished products and brands, all sectors of the beauty industry will gather under one roof, buyers can easily source from 10+ product sectors all in one venue. Singapore offers a vibrant and innovative business environment and has a proven record in facilitating quality events. It is a well-known global transport hub with one-flight connections from hundreds of cities around the world, which will facilitate business and networking activities among the international beauty players. Singapore is very well situated in Southeast Asia and creates further excellent business opportunities for our exhibitors and visitors in the region. “This special edition of Cosmoprof Asia in Singapore will figure as the most important gathering of international beauty stakeholders, supplier and buyers since our last edition in 2019.” said David Bondi, Senior Vice President – Asia of Informa Markets and Director of Cosmoprof Asia Ltd. “Our proactive decision to relocate the fair from Hong Kong to Singapore shows our determination to help the industry to reconnect in 2022. We are confident in Singapore’s strong reputation as a preferred destination for business events, and look forward to welcoming our delegates from around the world in the Lion City this November.” While waiting to meet each other face-to-face in November 2022, Cosmoprof Asia’s beauty community will have the opportunity to participate to the virtual event Cosmoprof Asia Digital Week, from 27 June to 5 July 2022, a match-making platform for buyers and sellers to consolidate and facilitate business connections.
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  • 삼성전자, ‘자가진단키트’ 업체 스마트공장 지원
    삼성전자는 중소벤처기업부와 함께 최근 수요가 폭증하고 있는 코로나19 자가진단키트 국내 공급 확대를 위해 자가진단키트 생산 업체를 대상으로 ‘스마트공장 구축’ 긴급 지원에 나섰다고 밝혔다. 삼성전자는 충남 천안에 있는 자가진단키트 생산 업체 젠바디에 삼성전자 스마트공장 구축 전문가 19명을 급파해 생산성을 높이기 위한 지원 활동을 시작했다. 구체적으로 삼성전자는 △설비당 작업시간 단축을 통한 생산성 30% 향상 △생산라인 재배치와 재고관리 시스템 도입 등을 통해 효율적 물류 관리 △젠바디 협력회사의 금형·사출·인쇄 기술 지원 등을 실시할 예정이다. 삼성전자는 또 젠바디의 신공장의 조기 안정화도 지원할 예정으로, 건설 중인 신공장이 4월 말 가동되면 젠바디의 전체 자가진단키트 생산량은 현재 주당 300만 개에서 600만 개로 2배 증가해 국내 자가진단키트 부족 해소에 이바지할 것으로 기대했다. 삼성전자는 젠바디 외에 추가로 자가진단키트 생산 업체인 수젠텍에도 제조 전문가를 파견해 물류·설비·공정 등 다양한 분야에 대한 스마트공장 구축을 지원할 계획이다. ◇삼성전자 스마트공장, 코로나19 고비 때마다 ‘구원투수’로 등장 삼성전자는 코로나19 급격한 확산으로 방역 물품 부족 현상이 빚어질 때마다 스마트공장 구축 사업을 통해 관련 물품의 생산성을 비약적으로 끌어올리며, 코로나19 위기 극복에 이바지해 왔다. ·마스크 대란 해소에 기여 삼성전자는 2020년 2월 코로나19 확산으로 마스크 공급이 수요를 감당하지 못해 ‘마스크 대란’이 빚어진 상황에서 마스크 공급 확대를 위해 마스크 제조 업체 4곳(E&W·에버그린·레스텍·화진산업)을 대상으로 삼성전자 제조 전문가 50명을 마스크 생산 업체에 긴급 투입했다. 이들은 △금형 제작 지원 △신규설비 세팅 △공정별 작업대와 이동 대차제작 △필터 신규 공급처 연결 등 삼성전자의 생산과 원자재 공급 노하우를 마스크 공정에 접목해 두 달 만에 4개 사의 생산 능력을 51% 끌어올리는 성과를 거뒀다. ·코로나19 진단키트 글로벌 수출 확대 2020년 5월부터는 해외 수요가 폭증한 코로나19 PCR 진단키트 제조 업체를 대상으로 스마트공장 구축에 나섰다. 진단키트 업계는 전통적으로 다품종 소량생산 체제로 운영되고 있어, 당시 코로나19 확산으로 갑자기 늘어난 글로벌 수요를 감당할 수 있는 생산 체제를 갖추지 못한 상황이었다. 삼성전자는 단기간에 생산성을 향상할 수 있도록 현장에 전문가를 급파해 △금형 설계 △물류 동선 최적화 △포장 공정개선 △자동화 설비 도입 △바코드 관리 등을 지원하고 현장의 비효율을 개선했다. 이를 통해 솔젠트와 코젠바이오텍은 주당 진단키트 생산성을 70% 이상 향상할 수 있었으며, 수출이 비약적으로 증가했다. 삼성전자는 글로벌 코로나19 극복 노력에 이바지한 것이다. ·LDS 주사기 양산체제 구축… 화이자 백신 조기 도입 협상 지렛대 역할 2020년 말 삼성전자는 백신 주사 잔량을 최소화할 수 있는 ‘LDS (Low-Dead-Space) 주사기’ 생산 기업 풍림파마텍에 스마트공장 구축 전문가 30명을 급파했다. 삼성전자 스마트공장팀은 풍림파마텍과 함께 통상 40일 정도가 소요되던 금형 제작을 단 4일만 마치며 시제품 생산을 완료했고, 1개월 만에 월 1000만 대 이상 생산할 수 있는 대량 생산 체제 구축에 성공했다. 당시 세계 각국에서 코로나19 백신 확보전이 치열하게 전개되는 가운데 LDS 주사기는 ‘협상 지렛대’로 부각됐으며, 이를 계기로 백신 도입 협상이 급진전됐고 화이자 백신 조기 도입으로 이어졌다. ◇스마트공장, 중소기업과의 상생 통해 지역경제 활성화·일자리 창출 삼성전자는 2015년 중소·중견기업 대상 제조 환경 개선 사업인 ‘스마트공장 구축 지원 사업’을 시작했다. 2018년부터는 중소벤처기업부, 중소기업중앙회와 함께 삼성전자와 거래 여부와 상관없이 지원이 필요한 모든 중소·중견기업을 대상으로 확대해 운영하고 있다. 삼성전자는 제조현장 혁신, 공장운영 시스템, 제조 자동화 등의 분야에서 총 200여 명의 사내 전문가를 선발해 기업별 상황에 맞게 노하우를 전수하고 있다. 삼성전자는 생산성 향상과 현장 혁신 지원뿐만 아니라 △국내외 판로개척 △전문 인력 양성을 위한 교육 △애로기술 지원 △스마트365센터 운영을 통한 스마트공장 유지 관리와 고도화 등을 통해 해당 기업들의 지속 가능한 자생력 확보를 지원하고 있다.삼성전자는 2015년부터 2021년까지 총 2819개 사의 스마트공장 구축을 지원했다. 스마트공장 지원 사업은 전국 곳곳의 중소기업 대상으로 시행해, 지역경제 활성화와 일자리 창출에 이바지했다고 평가되고 있다. ◇기부, 생활치료센터 제공 등 코로나19 극복 위한 국가적 노력에 동참 삼성은 2020년 초 코로나19 사태 초기부터 위기 극복을 위한 국가적 노력에 동참하고 있다. 삼성은 2020년 3월 코로나19 환자 급증으로 인한 병상 부족 해소를 위해 삼성인력개발원 영덕연수원과 삼성생명 전주연수원을 생활치료센터로 제공해 환자들을 치료하고 회복을 지원했다. 같은 해 8월에는 수도권 지역 환자들을 위해 고양시 삼성화재글로벌캠퍼스와 용인시 삼성물산 국제경영연구소를 생활치료센터로 제공했다. 생활치료센터에는 삼성의료원 소속 전문 의료진도 파견했다. 또한 삼성전자는 2020년 12월 코로나19 중증환자 전담치료 병상 확보에 비상이 걸린 상황에서 기존 병상에 추가해 삼성서울병원에 20개, 강북삼성병원에 7개의 중증환자 전담치료 병상을 확대 운영했다.그뿐만 아니라 삼성전자는 코로나19로 어려움을 겪는 의료진·자가격리자·확진자, 아동·청소년,취약 계층 등을 위해 구호 물품과 성금 총 300억원을 전국재해구호협회에 기부했다.
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  • 더플랜잇, 맛·영양·환경 다 잡은 식물성 대체우유 브랜드 ‘씰크’ 론칭
    순식물성 대체 식품을 개발하는 푸드 테크 기업 더플랜잇(The PlantEat)이 식물성 대체 우유 브랜드 ‘씰크(XILK)’를 론칭하고, 첫 제품으로 커피 전문점 업계를 타깃으로 한 ‘씰크(XILK) 바리스타 에디션’을 선보인다고 밝혔다.◇식품 데이터 분석 기술을 활용해 우유의 맛과 질감에 가장 가까운 대체 우유, 씰크씰크는 더플랜잇의 식품 데이터 분석 기술을 바탕으로 우유와 가장 가까운 맛과 특성을 구현한 식물성 대체 우유 브랜드다. 콩·아몬드·귀리 등 단일 원료로 만들어 원료 특유의 맛이 강한 기존 식물성 음료와 달리, 기존 우유의 맛·색·영양 등의 특징을 가장 비슷하게 구현할 수 있는 식물성 원료를 탐색하고 매칭하는 더플랜잇 고유의 푸드 테크 기술을 적용했다.구체적으로 씰크는 균형 잡힌 영양 공급을 위한 콩, 해바라기씨 단백질과 우유의 고소하고 깊은 맛을 대체하는 코코넛 오일, 올리브 오일, 우유의 유당을 대체하는 슈가애플, 비정제 원당 등을 첨가해 맛과 질감을 최대한 우유와 비슷하게 설계했다. 씰크는 식물성 대체 우유로서 우유를 마시면 소화가 어려운 유당 불내증 환자들도 편하게 즐길 수 있을 뿐 아니라, 단일 원료 특유의 맛이 강한 기존 식물성 대체 우유의 단점까지 보완해 우유의 실질적 대체재로 자리 잡을 것으로 기대하고 있다.◇라떼 메뉴에 최적화한 맛과 풍미, 바리스타들을 위한 잇템(It Item) 씰크또 씰크는 커피 원두와의 결합력이 좋아 커피 본연의 맛과 향은 살리면서 풍부한 맛과 질감을 표현할 수 있다. 최근 환경과 비건에 대한 소비자의 관심이 높아지면서 커피 전문점들도 식물성 라떼 옵션을 필수적으로 도입하는 가운데 씰크는 우유에 가장 가까운 맛과 질감으로 따뜻한 음료, 찬 음료 어느 메뉴와도 잘 어울려 카페만의 시그니처 메뉴 제조에도 적합하다.그뿐만 아니라 침전물이 가라앉지 않아 카페에서 음료 제조 시 흔들지 않고 바로 사용할 수 있어 편리하며 실온에서 최대 6개월간 보관이 가능해 원재료 관리 부담이 적다는 장점도 있다. 기존 식물성 대체 음료가 가격이 비싸다는 인식이 있는 반면, 씰크는 경쟁력 있는 가격대로 출시해 바리스타들의 카페 운영 측면에서도 효율성을 가져다줄 예정이다.◇지속 가능한 환경을 위한 선택, 씰크식물성 대체 우유인 씰크는 기존 젖소 사육을 통한 우유 생산 과정보다 이산화탄소 발생량, 물, 토지 사용량이 현저히 적어 생산 과정에서 지속 가능성을 추구한다. 또 씰크에 쓰이는 원료는 100% 비동물성 원료이며, 모두 비유전자 변형 원료(Non-GMO)를 사용해 이를 영국채식협회 비건 인증 과정에서 인증받은 바 있다. 더플랜잇 담당자는 “씰크는 더플랜잇의 푸드 테크를 활용해 자연스럽게 우유의 맛, 성분을 유사하게 살리고, 제품 생산 과정도 지속 가능성을 추구한다는 점 등에서 건강과 환경을 중시하는 MZ 세대의 큰 관심을 받을 것으로 기대하고 있다”며 “라떼 메뉴 개발에 최적화한 씰크 바리스타 에디션을 시작으로 일반 소비자용 제품 라인업까지 빠르게 확장해갈 계획”이라고 말했다.한편 씰크는 더플랜잇 공식 몰 ‘플랜잇샵’을 시작으로 네이버 스마트스토어, 커피 프랜차이즈에 차례대로 입점 예정이다. 또 브랜드 론칭을 기념해 21일부터 커피 전문점 운영 사업자를 대상으로 씰크 바리스타 에디션 샘플 무료 배송 이벤트를 실시한다. 플랜잇샵에서 회원 가입 후 무료 샘플을 신청하면 740㎖ 본품 2병을 무료로 제공하고, 이후 첫 구매 시 사용할 수 있는 15% 추가 할인 쿠폰도 발급된다.더플랜잇은 식물 기반 대체 식품 개발을 통해 육류 위주 식습관이 부른 사회적 문제와 국가·지역 간 영양 불균형을 해결하고자 2017년 설립된 스타트업이다. 세계 최대 규모의 식품 성분 데이터베이스(DB)를 보유하고 있으며, 영국채식협회 정식 비건 인증을 받은 순식물성 식품 브랜드 ‘잇츠베러(Eat’s Better)’를 포함해 다양한 지속 가능성 제품을 개발하고 있다.
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  • NEW Global Wellness Institute Research Ranks 150 Countries by Wellness Market Size
    The US ($1.2 trillion), China ($683 billion) and Japan ($304 billion) are the world’s largest wellness economies; Switzerland, Iceland and the US rank first for wellness spending per capita–where consumers spend over $3,600 a year The nonprofit Global Wellness Institute (GWI) has recently released “The Global Wellness Economy: Country Rankings,” the first research to measure the wellness economies of 150 nations. It’s packed with information on national wellness markets from average wellness spend per capita to the wellness market’s contribution to each nation’s overall economy. The research was presented today at the first Global Wellness News™ broadcast in New York City. The report is a companion to GWI’s recently-released “The Global Wellness Economy: Looking Beyond COVID,” a complete global update on all 11 sectors of the wellness market, finding that the world wellness economy is worth $4.4 trillion and forecast to reach $7 trillion by 2025. “This last year, the GWI generated country-level data for all 11 wellness sectors. So now, for the first time, we can answer the question everyone asks: How big is the total wellness market for each country and who ranks highest?” said Ophelia Yeung, GWI senior research fellow. “Which nations are growing, which are shrinking? How do national wellness markets differ and why? This report is the first to answer these questions.” The Top 20 Wellness Markets The US is by far the largest market, at $1.2 trillion–nearly double the size of the second-largest market, China, at $683 billion. In fact, the US accounts for 28% of the entire global wellness market, while the top ten markets represent 71% of the world total. The report provides granular data on national wellness markets, from growth rates in the pre-pandemic years of 2017-2019 to how the pandemic has impacted each market. “These new rankings reveal the countries that spend the most on wellness–important information for governments and businesses. But the size of a wellness market does not necessarily capture which countries are most ‘well’: which nations have the best health outcomes or fair access to wellness,” said Katherine Johnston, GWI senior research fellow. “There’s much research to do. Who is benefitting from the growth of the wellness economy in each country, and who is not? What’s the relationship between the wellness market and the health and well-being of a nation’s population? What can governments and policymakers do to bring more wellness to more people? This will be the focus of our November 2022 report on wellness and policy to be released at the Global Wellness Summit in Tel Aviv.”
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  • Global Wellness Summit Releases Annual Trends Report: “The Future of Wellness 2022”
    The Global Wellness Summit (GWS) has recently released its annual wellness trends report, the new directions in wellness that the organization believes will have the most meaningful impact on the industry and people worldwide. The 110-page report goes in-depth on the major shifts ahead in nutrition, wellness travel, wellness real estate, women’s health, men’s wellness, healthcare, technology, sustainability and spas. The trends were unveiled today at the first Global Wellness News™ media event in New York City. “If it’s always daunting to predict trends in the fast-moving wellness space, it’s especially so two years into a pandemic where the long-promised ‘post-pandemic world’ is becoming visible but is repeatedly delayed,” said Susie Ellis, GWS chair and CEO. “One thing that this forecast makes clear is that the future of wellness will be anything but a ‘restart’ of 2019. What consumers now need most, what they perceive as ‘true wellness,’ has profoundly changed.” A few themes emerge in the trends report. With new awareness of the radical fragility of life and the planet, a “survivalist wellness” is emerging: More people are seeking resilience and self-reliance (see: “Next-Gen Naturalism”) and they’re now keenly aware that their own wellbeing is inextricable from the planet’s (see: “Dirty Wellness,” on how restoring the world’s soil and our connection to it become a major focus). Another theme is tackling the glaring gaps, missing links, and underserved populations in both healthcare and wellness: from male body issues finally getting the attention that women’s have to innovative technology closing the women’s health research gap to “senior living” getting a dramatic rethink to the rise of professional wellness coaches dedicated to solving that great unsolved issue in both healthcare and wellness: motivating behavior change. With the pandemic further subsuming us in a digital world, the future of wellness and technology is complex: The metaverse will plunge us into evermore immersive health and wellness experiences while a new “technological wellness” will have us interrogating our relationship to tech as never before. As always, the report covers the cool, new experiences rising in wellness: from pandemic-weary cities being reimagined as accessible “wellness playgrounds” to destinations answering the call of a new purpose-seeking wellness traveler, with experiences that help them grow intellectually, spiritually and creatively. This is the only wellness forecast based on the insights of hundreds of global executives of wellness companies, economists, doctors, investors, academics, and technologists that gather each year at the GWS. The authors—top journalists, analysts and wellness experts—bring each trend to life with examples of the innovators and companies that are pioneering each concept. The Trends: 1. Dirt-y Wellness The health of the world’s soil—and the impact of soil exposure on human health—become far more important (Think: “soil-bathing”) Soil, that mysterious world underfoot, is our planet’s most extraordinary ecosystem: one handful contains 50 billion life forms. For millions of years, the microbial stew that is living soil did its job: from cycling nutrients to plants to capturing vast amounts of atmospheric carbon. For 99% of human evolution, people lived deep in soil—as foragers and farmers. Now we’re soil-deprived, no longer bathing in all that bacterial and fungal richness. Mounting research indicates that the soil and human microbiomes are anciently connected, and that soil exposure has an eye-opening impact on everything from immune to mental health. The problem: we’re in a huge soil crisis, so, a food, environmental and health crisis. Industrial agricultural methods quickly decimated the world’s soil microbiome: one-third of all farmland is intensely degraded. A new regenerative agriculture—techniques that restore soil’s biodiversity—is the hottest topic in farming and will now become a hot topic in wellness. “Regen,” or “soil-certified,” will be the next food label, because it’s far more meaningful than “organic”—not only for its huge environmental impact but because soil health is the true lens into food’s nutritional value. More wellness brands will pivot to regen-farm-sourced ingredients. In wellness real estate, regen-agrihoods are a real trend to watch. The world is waking up to the dire need to rewild the world’s soil and to the soil-human microbiome connection. A “dirty wellness” deliberately refutes wellness’ “clean” obsession: our bodies aren’t gated temples, we’re just a dance between the trillions of microorganisms in the soil and in our gut. 2. Toxic Muscularity Comes Clean How bulging biceps and rippling abs have had a negative ripple effect on male body image A growing body of research is revealing that body image is no longer solely a “women’s issue.” In April 2021, a survey by a United Kingdom (UK) male suicide prevention charity and Instagram found that half of men aged 16-40 had struggled with their mental health because of how they feel about their bodies—and half pointed the finger at mainstream and social media. “Toxic muscularity” can be literally poisonous. Anabolic-androgenic steroid abuse is hiding in plain sight in the improbable shape of actors, athletes, influencers and action figures. The consequences, both mental and physical (sometimes fatal), could however soon be hard to ignore. And steroids are merely the most notorious of an ever-expanding pharmacopeia of image- and performance-enhancing drugs (IPEDs) that have spread from backstreet gyms to commercial and high-end health clubs to high schools. Steroids and other IPEDs don’t only impact the men and boys who take them, but also those exposed to chemically enhanced muscular ideals—so basically all of them (not to mention digital manipulation). Toxic muscularity is contributing to the rise in male eating disorders and muscle dysmorphia (also known as “reverse anorexia” or “bigorexia”): the pathological preoccupation that you’re not muscular enough, no matter how big and lean you may be. 3. From Wellness Tech to Technological Wellness A fresh take on digital health Between fitness wearables, telehealth apps, and smart home gyms, there seems to be no shortage of technologies (tech) promising to make us well. But the truth is that most technologies—the technologies that make up the majority of our screen time—are harming our health, not helping it. That’s where the need for technological wellness comes in: A kind of wellness that doesn’t just remedy the toxic toll that tech takes on our minds on bodies, but rather, puts health at the center of how—and how often—we engage with technology at large. To accomplish this, a new kind of collaboration between the technology industry and wellness industry would be required. The world’s biggest tech companies are already racing to build a world where we interact via virtual reality headsets and trade our glasses for augmented reality contacts. But by pausing, asking the tough questions, and developing everyday technologies with health in mind, we can create a better kind of world: One where we treat our tech intake more like our food intake—taking greater care to understand how it affects our mind, body, and overall wellbeing. 4. Senior Living Disrupted A wrinkle in time no more! For years, it’s been said that 60 was the new 40. But now, according to leading aging experts, 90 will be the new 40 within a decade. The exponential jump in longevity means that people are retiring later and focusing on being active and engaged with personal growth into old age. Healthier, more youthful, and more active than their cohorts in previous generations, this incoming senior class doesn’t “feel old” and doesn’t want to be defined by age, nor socially segregated by it. That’s why today’s age-segregated models of senior living communities are no longer cutting it with a new generation that doesn’t believe in the concept of being put out to pasture upon retirement. To meet the changing expectations of aging adults, we believe “senior living” will, and needs to, focus more on intentional intergenerationality. This goes back to “days of yore,” when people were not so transient, and communities stayed organically intergenerational. Such old-school intersectionality still exists in the world’s Blue Zones—places like Okinawa, Japan and Sardinia, Italy—which also happen to be among the places where people live the longest and age the healthiest. 5. Wellness Travel: Seekers, Welcome Post-pandemic travelers are ready for adventure and engagement Intention is the future of travel in 2022. Social indicators such as the “great resignation,” record retirements and global nomadism reveal profound commitments to work/life balance and personal growth and happiness. In fulfilling those goals, the travel industry is rolling out the welcome mat for these new intentional travelers with the invitation: Seekers, welcome. New travel experiences tap into a sense of purpose, a desire to grow creatively and intellectually and flourish in new environments. Nature as a healer and a source of awe remains primary, whether at a rooftop yoga class or trekking the forthcoming Trans Bhutan Trail. Seekers will be exploring the wisdom of the ancients in Indigenous travel experiences; learning to grow their own food; expressing their creativity in art classes; and giving back to academia in citizen science programs. The pandemic underlined the need to attend to personal health and taking a break—also known as a vacation—became a bigger part of the wellness picture. In 2022, it’s clear that the thread of wellness is so braided into the travel world that nearly every trip is an opportunity for travelers to reclaim their lives, improve their health, and discover their purpose. 6. Innovative Tech Closing the Gender Gap in Medical Research Artificial Intelligence (AI), apps, and wearables collect data for a wide range of women’s health conditions Too many women’s health conditions are underfunded and under-researched. This has led to major issues in healthcare: women with chronic conditions have a harder time securing a correct diagnosis and finding effective treatments, thereby impacting their view of mainstream medicine. Patients wonder: why aren’t there more solutions out there? Startups and technology giants are increasingly trying to expand and improve research data through AI, smartphone apps, wearables, and virtual trials. From data-gathering trackers to “smart bras,” Silicon Valley is reimagining a host of existing technologies. These new advancements allow for better representation in trials, quicker access to participants, and more longitudinal data. Research institutions and academia are starting to show interest, partnering with a wide range of startups, proving there’s more than one way to collect health information. 7. Urban Bathhouses & Wellness Playgrounds Affordable wellness is coming to a city near you Whether it’s new or renovated bathhouses featuring hydrothermal bathing (saunas, steam rooms, pools, etc.); large-scale wellness water resorts (some of which accommodate up to 8,000 visitors daily); or public parks where nature meets art and wellness, cities around the globe are suddenly making the pursuit of wellness accessible, affordable and inclusive. Communal bathing that hearkens back to European and Asian bathing cultures is inspiring an urban bathhouse renaissance around the globe. Just a few examples: Austria’s Therme Group, which already attracts around 3.4 million visitors a year to its sites in Europe, is now investing heavily in North America; Italian wellness company QC Terme will open its next urban bathhouse on New York’s Governor’s Island; and a Finnish-inspired Nordic bathing spa opened in early 2022 in Toronto. Additionally, sauna bathing (and communal sweating) is becoming more popular and playful—it’s less about being serious and silent and more about communal joy! Large event saunas have been opening outside of European sauna “hot spots,” with cities like Las Vegas hosting high-octane “Sauna Aufguss” performances and London night spots offering private rooftop saunas adjacent to the rooftop bar. New public playgrounds that merge nature and art with wellness are transforming cityscapes—with new manmade beachfronts, scenic boardwalks, pop-up wellness classes, and even water sports becoming available in very unexpected places: like New York, Paris, London, Sydney, Madrid, Tokyo, and more. 8. Next-Gen Naturalism The return of self-reliance For decades, the concept of progress has been about requiring humans to do as little as possible. We praise automation, reward the businesses who deliver convenience on-demand, and admire nature from a safe distance—glorifying it without respecting it. But the looming threat of global upheaval is forcing us to change our ways. As we collectively reckon with the fragility of our planet and the instability of our supply chains, we’ll see a long-overdue return to self-reliance. This self-sufficiency boom is already evident in the global growth of outdoor survival schools, foraging, homegrown produce, and TikTok #ecohacks. And it’s a trend that’s very much in line with the larger shifts towards back-to-basics wellness. Just as wellness is returning to the fundamentals, Next-Gen Naturalism requires a Marie-Kondo-esque simplification of one’s life and consumption, placing a refreshing focus on the natural world and ancient practices. It’s a no-frills kind of wellness that forces us to rethink how we use our natural resources, how we source our food, and ultimately—how we prepare for a shaky future. Because in unpredictable times, preparedness equals peace of mind. 9. Health & Wellness Coaching Gets Certified Coaches trained in the art and science of motivating healthy changes have been the missing link in both healthcare and wellness The world spends $8.3 trillion a year on healthcare, $4.4 trillion on wellness, but we can’t stem the tide of chronic diseases. Behavior change is the toughest nut. So, why haven’t coaches devoted to helping people make healthy changes been at the center of everything? They’re a no-brainer, they’ve been absent, but now the certified health and wellness coach (HWC) is finally here. In the Wild West of “wellness coaching,” the future is new distinctions, because what a certified HWC does is utterly unique. They’re healthcare professionals trained in evidence-based, nuanced conversational techniques that get people developing the intrinsic motivation and confidence to hit realistic wellbeing goals. Unlike the 15 minutes doctors give you, they spend time: around 50 minutes a week for at least 3 months. Their approach is radically different from the “prescriptive” model that rules both medicine and wellness. Doctors say exercise; wellness gurus say follow me on this path to weight loss or enlightenment. These coaches check advice-dispensing at the door because prescriptive models have failed spectacularly. Motivation must be sparked from within. This trend explores how these coaches are poised to explode; how rigorous training and certification programs are now in place; how more insurance companies are covering. Primary care startups (like Vera Whole Health) and public health initiatives (like the National Health Service’ “Personalised Care” plan) are shaking up medicine with “care team” models, where this coach is as central as the doctor. We look at the avalanche of digital health companies promising to revolutionize everything from chronic disease management to weight loss by automating “personalized health coaching”—and problems with all the coach-bots coding the human out of the process. Wellness resorts, working on the “hi-and-bye” and “a week can change your life” models, have resisted HWCs. We see change: resorts like Mexico’s Cartesiano are now incorporating them and Six Senses and Canyon Ranch are opening urban wellness centers for more “everyday” coaching. More doctors argue these coaches need to be central to all primary care. They also need to become more central in wellness. Why are wellness devotees always chasing the next diet or influencer? Because behavior change comes from within. Certified HWCs will increasingly work with doctors, insurers, employers, physical therapists, fitness trainers, and people independently. Because they are the missing link. 10. Wellness Welcomes the Metaverse Health & wellness are attractive to the Metaverse which needs to diversify beyond gaming The metaverse is happening…it isn’t a maybe. And thanks to a wide range of social forces, including the pandemic, the rise of the “Wellness Metaverse” is inevitable. With wellness front and center in consumer’s minds—and at the forefront of business and government strategies around the globe—the world is seeking new technologies that can far better engage and impact the health of many more people. From virtual reality and augmented reality to merged reality and haptics, the coming wellness metaverse will create vast opportunities for each sector of the $4.4 trillion global wellness economy. To build a Wellness Metaverse, there will be unprecedented new synergies between the technology, wellness and health industries. Wellness sectors, including fitness, beauty, healthy eating, mental wellness, wellness tourism, wellness real estate, spas and workplace wellness are introducing new technologies and virtual worlds that deliver a far more immersive experience and radically transform how wellness is delivered to global consumers. And the entire world is paying attention. Fortune 500 companies are unveiling creative, disruptive new products and services that can improve people’s health and lives. The coming metaverse will move beyond gaming and health and wellbeing will be at the center—it will prove one of its meaningful bright spots. And it’s a bright future where the wellness industry can play a leadership role. ------------------------ About the Global Wellness Summit —The Global Wellness Summit is the premier organization that brings together leaders and visionaries to positively shape the future of the $4.4 trillion global wellness economy. Its future-focused conference is held at a different global location each year and has traveled to the United States, Switzerland, Turkey, Bali, India, Morocco, Mexico, Austria, Italy and Singapore. GWS also hosts regular virtual gatherings, including Wellness Master Classes, Wellness Sector Spotlights and Investor “Reverse Pitch” events. The organization’s annual Global Wellness Trends Report offers expert-based predictions on the future of wellness. The 2022 Summit will be held in Tel Aviv, Israel from October 30–November 2.
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